Deadwood: The Movie, from director Daniel Minahan, is an extension of the HBO television series that ran from 2004 to 2006. Visual effects in the film were largely of the invisible kind, including a scene in which a train passes through a late-1800s South Dakota environment.
FuseFX realized the train completely digitally from practical footage, with several aspects of the landscape also built in CG. VFX Voice takes a visual look at how the train scene was achieved.
“Thousands of still reference photos were taken of the practical train and cars,” adds Hayden. “Furthermore, a drone flyover provided the data to create a photogrammetry-based model of the train as a reference model for the artists to use to finish out the model. The model was finished, textured and animated in 3ds Max.”
“The visual effects work really took me back to the long process of defining the look of the environment, and figuring out how to integrate that into each shot. That’s where Eric Hayden picked up the baton. Eric’s enthusiasm and commitment to the project gave me great comfort to entrust him with making it work all over again.”