Weta Digital Animation Supervisor Sidney Kombo-Kintombo on crafting the final battle of AVENGERS: ENDGAME (VFX Voice)
“It became apparent that it would actually be more efficient to buy a real plane of the real size” (Total Film)
Charlie Chaplin is remembered for his ingenious stunts, but he also used realistic VFX even before CGI entered the mainstream filmmaking landscape (Screen Rant)
BHUJ, scheduled for I-Day opening, still racing towards finish line; release date uncertain due to coronavirus outbreak (Mumbai Mirror)
Operating under MR. X name, companies combine into single VFX studio in response to industry changes brought about by COVID-19 pandemic (Animation World Network)
The animation industry is a rare sunny spot in an otherwise dreary-looking entertainment landscape (Variety)
Digital event, running June 24-26, will bring together XR artists, traditional filmmakers, tech companies, indie producers and investors to help shape the future of immersive entertainment (Animation World Network)
In an age before CGI and green screens made visual effects so easy, it was the seamless blending of animated characters with real people and real environments that got audiences buzzing and earned the film critical praise (Gizmodo)
Gaumont, the world’s first film company is further confirming its commitment to expanding its global Animation & Family efforts in Europe with the addition of two key executives to the team (Animation Magazine)
Alex Dilworth is joining Moonraker VFX as Art Director as the studio continues to expand its design and motion graphics offering (Advanced Television)